The Arkadelphia Regional Economic Development Alliance makes a positive impact by leading economic and community development efforts that advance growth and prosperity in Clark County, Arkansas.
The Arkadelphia Alliance and Area Chamber 4-Man Scramble Golf Tournament, presented by Baptist Health Medical Center, will be held Friday, September 6th at the DeGray Lake Resort State Park Golf Course.
11:00AM | Lunch
12:00PM | Tee Time
- Platinum Level Sponsorship - $1,000 (logo included in event advertising, 1 team, 1 hole sign, and 4 lunch tickets)
- Gold Level Sponsorship - $600 (logo included in event advertising, 1 team, and 4 lunch tickets)
- Silver Level Sponsorship - $300 (logo included in event advertising, 1 hole sign, and 2 lunch tickets - does not include a team)
- Bronze Level Sponsorship - $200 (1 hole sign - does not include lunch or team)
- Hole Game Sponsorship - $150 (oversee game - limit of 5 available)
The sponsorship deadline is Friday, August 2nd at 4 p.m. A limited number of individual teams may be available for purchase starting August 5th (depending upon availability).
Payments via Credit Card:
Any sponsorships paid via this website or by credit card will be charged a credit card convenience fee that is listed beside the ticket price. If you would prefer to pay via check, please contact Tara Rollins at 870.246.1460 or to request an invoice.

Please contact Shelley Short at 870.246.1460 or shelley@arkadelphiaalliance.comwith any questions or to discuss other sponsorship opportunities.

Date & Time
Fri, Sep 6, 2024 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM