2025 Evening Bat Flights at Bracken Cave Preserve

  • May 16 - September 12, 2025
  • Bracken Cave Preserve

    7515 Bracken Cave Road
    San Antonio, Texas 78266

Bracken Cave is the summer home of more than 15 million Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis), making it the world's largest bat colony and one of the largest concentrations of mammals on earth. The emergence of these millions of bats, as they spiral out of the cave at dusk for their nightly insect hunt, is an unforgettable sight.



March 20, 2025 - Member access codes to register early for bat flights will be emailed to active Bat Conservation International Members. If you misplace or did not receive your access code, please email membership@batcon.org. Not already a member? Join now for access to these member events. Please allow several days for processing. Members that join/renew after this date will receive their Bracken Code in their membership confirmation email.

April 1, 2025, 9am Central - Registration Opens. If the night you are interested in has sold out, you can sign up to join the waitlist for that date. If tickets become available, you'll be emailed along with other waitlisted individuals. When tickets become available, they are first come, first served.


Note: Registration may look a little different from previous years. We no longer have members-only and public-only nights. Members and non-members can all attend the same bat flight dates. If you're a member, be sure to click "Have a promotional code?" during the registration process, and enter your member access code to receive your discount on the first 8 tickets in your order. You can reserve additional tickets at full price. 



Frequently Asked Questions

A list of common questions are below, but visit the full list of Frequently Asked Questions for additional details.

How long does the visit last?

Plan to stay 2-3 hours depending on sunset. Please be on time. We cannot predict exact times when the bats will emerge, so we meet early enough so visitors have time before the emergence to learn about this important maternity colony.

When do I arrive for the bat flight?

The time that the bats emerge shifts throughout the season due to a number of variables. All tickets state that the event begins at 6pm, but this is just a placeholder. You will receive an email 3 days before your flight with the time that you should arrive. It can range from 6pm to 7:30pm.

As a member, am I guaranteed to be able to see a bat flight this summer?

Bracken bat flights are extremely popular and sell out each year. We recommend registering for your preferred date as soon as possible. Registration generally opens the first week of April, but specific dates will be listed with the schedule that is posted in March. If the bat flights do sell out, check back frequently or join the waitlist since spots may open up as guests cancel or change their reservations.

Do I need to purchase a ticket for every person in my party including children?

Yes, every visitor needs a ticket, regardless of age. However, please use discretion if you are considering bringing young children. Because Bracken Cave is located in a natural, unimproved area, children need to be supervised at all times and cannot “run free”– so keep this in mind when making your reservation. Childcare services are not provided. Visits can last up to 4 hours and Texas summers are notoriously hot. We do not recommend bringing children under the age of 6 to Bracken for these reasons. 

How accessible is the cave viewing area?

We make every effort to accommodate guests of various abilities. However, Bracken Cave Preserve is a natural area. Pathways are not paved and can be uneven. We park persons with mobility needs as close as possible to the viewing area, but there is approximately 100 yards of mulched pathway between the closest parking or drop off and the viewing area. If you are concerned about your specific needs, please contact us ahead of time at bracken@batcon.org.  Please let your guide know at check-in if you will be needing accommodation.

What should I wear and bring?

We advise that you wear comfortable clothes and closed-toed shoes. Keep in mind the heat. You're welcome to bring cameras (no flash photography), binoculars, sunscreen, bug repellant, and bottled water (no coolers). Our viewing area has stadium-style benches, so you do not need to bring your own seating. Do not bring alcohol, pets, food, cigarettes, vape pens, RVs or motorcycles.

Are there bathrooms?

There is a large, unisex port-a-potty with hand sanitizer on-site. 

Date & Time

May 16 - Sep 12, 2025

Venue Details

Bracken Cave Preserve

7515 Bracken Cave Road
San Antonio, Texas 78266 Bracken Cave Preserve
Bat Conservation International

At Bat Conservation International, we’re fiercely passionate, expert conservationists and scientists who are leading the charge to ensure the worldwide survival of these extraordinary mammals.

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