Ozarks Homesteading is blessed to organize educational experiences for self-reliance, real food and developing healthy homesteading communities.
Join thousands at the Ozarks Homesteading Expo on Sept. 5-6, 2025. Come learn from local, national and internationally known experts on topics such as livestock raising and processing, canning, beekeeping, cheesemaking, bread making, soap making, foraging, herbal medicine, fermenting, all season gardening, orchards, off-grid living, blacksmithing and so much more.
Shop at more than 150 vendors for the best in homesteading products and resources.
VIP Admission: $249. VIP Parking, early entry, access to air-conditioned VIP lounge shared with presenters, premium seating in main sessions, Tote bag with goodies from sponsors, free event T-shirt or hat.
General Admission: $50 two day access to all of the presentations, demonstrations, and vendors.
Kids 13-17: $15 same as adult General Admission
Kids 12 and under FREE but must have a ticket
Date & Time
Sep 5, 2025 7:00 AM - Sep 6, 2025 5:00 PM
Venue Details
Ellis O. Jackson Park/Webster County Fairgrounds
614 North Marshall StreetMarshfield, Missouri 65706