8-Track Dinner Theater
You gotta eat, right? Join fellow theater goers for a family-style Italian meal from Jimmy's Place before the show. This meal does NOT include the theater ticket, but with both, you will gain early access to the theater to reserve your favorite seat before eating and mingling in the Commons.
About the CAST Parent Council
Resurrecting a long-standing CAST parent group in support of theater productions and summer camp. Did you know that District 97 pays only the salaries of CAST administrative staff? All of the remaining costs of a CAST production are covered by ticket sales and contributions from parents and supporters.
Donations to CAST help to cover:
- Rights to perform the show
- Professional directors and musicians
- Amazing costumes
- Show stopping sets
- Theatrical lighting
For more information on the CAST Parent Council or to help out with 8-Track Dinner Theater, please email
Date & Time
Sat, Apr 27, 2024 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Venue Details
Percy Julian Middle School - Commons
416 South Ridgeland AvenueOak Park, Illinois 60302