Sacred Cacao Ceremonial Training
Aug 18, 2020 2:00 PM - Aug 20, 2020 5:00 PM
Singapore Standard Time
I invite you to an intimate initiation into the art and Sacred Ceremonial practice and preparation for hosting a Cacao Ceremony.
There is an Ancient myth from the Indigenous People from South America that says 'there would come a time on Earth when the hearts of the people of the New World would become so out of balance that the medicines from the forest would come out of the jungles to open the heart of the people. We are living in these times now.
Now, more than ever, we need Sacred Ceremonial space where people can feel free to express themselves, detox the body, and pray together in a non-denominational way to reconnect with the Spirit of the Earth, each other, build community unity and bring themselves back into alignment with their highest purpose. By honoring all the teaching of the Ancient ones and bringing the medicine of Cacao which has been used and is still used by the Indigenous people in South America to bring the community together.
In this online course, you will learn:
- A brief history and why cacao is considered a superfood.
- How to honor the medicine of Cacao with prayers and songs
- How to prepare it and hold space for others to open up and express themselves.
- How to create and hold Sacred Space for transformation and magic to happen
- As well we will share a Cacao Ceremony together to connect with your Global Family in ceremony.
Please commit to both days and times. Use the time zone converter to convert for your country. 2-5 pm Bali Indonesia time zone.
I have been hosting Sacred Ceremonial space for over 30 years and Cacao Ceremonies for the past 7 years. I hold a deep honor and integrity to the Indigenous people of South America and a deep respect and reverence for the plant itself and the medicine She carries. I held the first cacao ceremony here in Bali - a huge cacao ceremony of 600 people for the BSF, 550 people at BOOM Festival 2016, and the Ibiza Tantra Festival for the past 7 years, as well as countless smaller ceremonies and trainings Globally.
It’s time to pass on the wisdom I have gathered to those who wish to host a beautiful and Sacred space in working with this powerful Medicine for the opening of the heart to honor our Ancestors and the Ancestors of the Indigenous people who have held these prayers for this time now.
If you feel the call to step up to be a leader and create Sacred Healing space for the people in your community thank you for listening to the calling and following your intuition to come join me!
I look forward to meeting you and supporting you to rise to your fullest potential as a space holder and ceremonialist.
Malaika MaVeena