Advice For Girls - Ski

  • November 11, 2023 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Roslyn Theatre

    101 West Dakota Avenue
    Roslyn, Washington 98941
Ticket Price $5.73-$22.18 This event is now over

Up-and-coming skier Addy Jacobsend knew that it was time to move forward from the “one woman is enough” mindset. She dreamt of the supportive words she wished she’d heard, penning advice to her younger self. The desire to share those words with as many women as possible grew from a journal entry into the Advice for Girls film. 

Jacobsend hopes that the film’s advice from three generations of women in skiing will remind women and girls of all ages that they are worthy of success, allowed to take up space, and are extremely valuable to the ski industry. 

Date & Time

Sat, Nov 11, 2023 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Venue Details

Roslyn Theatre

101 West Dakota Avenue
Roslyn, Washington 98941 Roslyn Theatre
Roslyn Theatre

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