16 Stands of Sporting Clays with Golf Cart
Event limited to First 64 Shooters!
- $85.00 for 100 targets and dinner
- Catered Buffet Dinner and soft drinks/water; BYOB for after the event.
- Stand sponsorships available for $100 / Stand
- Submit team of shooters; less than four shooters will be paired up.
- Please email the completed registration form, that came with the flyer, to after registering and online payment
- Please email a high quality .jpeg image file of logo for sponsor board when applicable
- Single shooters welcomed - teamed post registration.
- Supply your own gun & 100 rounds of 7 ½ or 8 shot shells only.
- Limited Shells will be available for purchase at Promise Land;
- Generally, please try to have shells when you arrive.
- Limited number of guns available for rent.
- Eye and hearing protection is mandatory on course at all times.
- No alcohol before or during the event.
- Please fill out and sign waiver and bring to the event.
- Waiver and roster form are located here:

Date & Time
Fri, Aug 2, 2024 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM