Ayurvedic pulse analysis is one of the ancient arts of examination in Ayurveda.
You are welcome to join us in May for the Introduction to Nadi Pariksha, Ayurvedic Pulse Reading Workshop!
During this workshop we will practice identifying our Prakruti and Vikruti,that are our basic constitution and imbalances within the body. You will be guided by Dr. Ratnaprabha to know more into your pulse and later you can book your personal spot on same day for knowing personal pulse and it's imbalances and guidance for corrections
Date: May 26th, 2024
Time: 10am-12pm (private consultations from 12pm-5pm by appointment only)
Cost: $30 workshop/$50 private session
All are welcome to attend! Also Suitable for all levels of Ayurvedic study. We suggest you sign up as soon as possible, seats fill up quickly. You are welcome to message us or email with any questions.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Date & Time
Sun, May 26, 2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM