We inspire cooks one class at a time
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No Thyme to Cook
14624 Solomons Island Road SouthExplore the Flavors of Ikaria - A Blue Zone Experience! We're thrilled to announce the second in our series of Mediterranean Blue Zone adventures, where you'll discover the secrets of Greek cuisine, with a special focus on the enchanting island of Ikaria—a renowned Blue Zone. Learn why the Ikarian population is almost entirely free of dementia, many chronic diseases, and where one person in three lives to at least ninety through typical Greek culinary fare.
What is a “Blue Zone”? This term refers to geographic areas in which people have low rates of chronic disease and live longer than anywhere else.
Zucchini Fritters with Lemon Yogurt Sauce
Chicken Stifado - Ikaria-Style Chicken Braised in Wine Mageirio - Green Beans & Potatoes
Nutella Baklava
What To Expect
Great cooking is about more than just recipes—it's about celebrating culinary experiences with a foodie community. In this class, our professional chef instructor will show you how to create this fabulous menu, as well as offer you an exciting opportunity to assist in the kitchen.
All students will receive 10% off any scheduled public class(es) purchased that evening.
Experience Options
No Thyme to Cook: Stir Up Your Inner Chef
Thu, May 16, 2024 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
We inspire cooks one class at a time
Find more No Thyme to Cook Events and Food & Drink events in Solomons