The Cape Fear Bonsai Society, established in 2001, is a group that meets monthly to study and practice the art of Bonsai.
The club has an active program of training through workshops, guest speakers, and a sharing of Bonsai expertise. Membership is open to both the novice and the more experienced practitioner of Bonsai.
We are thrilled to once again have David Easterbrook from Montreal, Canada join us for a very unique program. Known worldwide as an enthusiastic, generous and gifted teacher, David has created bonsai for over 40 years. He is the former curator of the Montreal Botanical Garden’s bonsai collection. His trees have been widely exhibited in Canada and the U.S. and have been featured in and on the covers of International Bonsai Magazine. Please join us for a unique, all day bonsai experience. An information filled styling demonstration on a large and wonderful 25 year old Juniper raised by John Geanangel. This long format demonstration is intended to provide a more in depth look at bonsai creation than a typical 2 or 3 hour event.
Date & Time
Sun, Feb 16, 2025 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM