Do you understand the fundamentals of deep sky image processing, and would you now like to learn how to capture your own raw data? This class is for you!
Note that this class is designed for students who have already attended the RFO “Deep Sky Astrophotography Processing Class” or for students who already have experience with basic astrophotography image processing.
Please note, this workshop is meant as a 3-class series. It is highly recommended to purchase tickets for all three days. Class 1 and 3 are virtual. A Zoom link will be sent to participants prior to the class. Class 2 will be in person at the Robert Ferguson Observatory.
What you will learn in this class:
- A refresher on the fundamentals of Deep Sky Astrophotography
- A review of the equipment and techniques required for deep sky image capture
- Hands-on experience capturing deep sky images at the Robert Ferguson Observatory
- An opportunity to discuss techniques, share images and get feedback from docents and fellow students
Session 1 via Zoom: Introduction to Astrophotography Image Capture
• Refresher on the fundamentals of Deep Sky Astrophotography
• Mounts – from basic to advanced. Payload capacity
• Resolution – calculating camera and telescope suitability
• Telescopes (or camera lenses)
• Cameras
• Focus
• Guiding
• Polar Alignment
• Computers/controllers for automating image capture
• Dew management
• Beginner tips
• Resources for further information
Session 2 at RFO: Hands-on experience capturing deep sky images
• In this second session we will meet at the Robert Ferguson Observatory, and you will get hands-on experience practicing techniques for capturing deep sky images.
• You can bring your own equipment – or you can practice using equipment provided by RFO and RFO docents. (Note that if you do bring your own equipment, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to assist you in getting everything working but we will do our best!)
• We will start prior to sunset so that we can set up the equipment while it is still light. Then we will complete polar alignment and begin capturing images as the skies darken.
Session 3 via Zoom: Sharing of images, discussion of techniques
- Class attendees will share their captured and processed images (if they so choose!)
- Discussion of images, techniques, issues and other questions
- A discussion of what to do next in order to progress your Astrophotography journey!