When: August 8-9, 2025. Check-in begins at 8:45 am CT on 8/8, and the workshop concludes at 4 pm CT on 8/9.
Where: Dunes Learning Center, 700 Howe Road, Chesterton, IN 46304, located within Indiana Dunes National Park.
Who: Open to all 5-12th grade formal and non-formal educators.
Cost: $50* includes room and board for one night at the Dunes Learning Center, workshop materials, and swag. Scholarships are available to ensure cost is not a barrier to participation. Contact: ecrofton@duneslearningcenter.org with your inquiry.
Registration Deadline: July 18, 2025
Dunes Learning Center, Indiana Department of Natural Resources/Division of Fish & Wildlife, National Great Rivers, and Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant have teamed up to offer a two-day, water-themed workshop for educators. Through this hands-on, overnight workshop, educators will be eligible to earn 12 ISBE clock hours in Illinois or 12 PGPs in Indiana.
After completing the workshop, participants will receive Project WET Water in Earth Systems guidebook. This is the newest published guide and includes 22 updated activities from the Project WET 2.0 guide. All activities are tied to Common Core and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
Project WET, an award-winning, multidisciplinary program teaches about water resources, and the role water plays in various ecosystems and human life through hands-on, investigative activities that encourage teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking.
In this multi-day professional learning workshop, educators will:
- Gain knowledge about the important role of water in Earth’s systems with a special focus on the Great Lakes.
- Experience at least 14 hands-on lessons as a learner while also developing an understanding of navigating the curricular materials from an instructional standpoint.
- Learn how the activities are aligned with Common Core and NGSS and identify connections between workshop activities and standards relevant to the learning environment.
- Become familiar with regional resources, programs, and opportunities to engage in place-based learning and stewardship with students.
Further instructions and workshop information will be provided via email closer to the professional learning date. When registering, please include your preferred email address where you can be reached during the summer.
*This workshop is possible through funding from the Indiana Department of Natural Resource/Division of Fish & Wildlife, Dunes Learning Center, and Swarovski Foundation Waterschool.
Workshop partners are committed to providing equal opportunities in programs. If you need reasonable accommodation to participate in programming, please contact Janice Milanovich at janicem@illinos.edu or by phone at (217) 300-0211.