Easter Art installation & Events

  • March 25 - 28, 2024
  • Multi-Faith Centre (N35)

    170 Kessels Road
    Nathan, Queensland 4111
Ticket Price Free This event is now over

Celebrate Easter by immersing yourself in our Easter Art Show. 12 art pieces will help you explore 12 themes from your own life and how they intersect with 12 moments from the ancient story of Jesus at Easter.

Each piece has a personal reflection for you to interact with. Come and take a moment to find yourself in the ancient Easter story this Holy week. 

Open Daily 9 am - 5 pm, March 25-28
N35 (multi-faith Centre)


Also join us for:

“Facing forgiveness” - workshop. Thurs 28th 12:30pm 
A chance to explore forgiveness. what is it? What is it not?  How can we forgive ourselves? how can we receive forgiveness? how can we forgive others? This will also be a chance to engage in a practice of forgiveness to help you receive and to let go.


What's easter about ? -  - Thurs 28th @ 4:30pm
Join us as we explore the themes and impact that this event has had on human history and on lives of Griffith students.  Learn more about Easter, or simply join in with the celebrations. There will be music, Hot cross buns and easter eggs

Date & Time

Mar 25, 2024 8:00 am - Mar 28, 2024 5:00 pm

Venue Details

Multi-Faith Centre (N35)

170 Kessels Road
Nathan, Queensland 4111 Multi-Faith Centre (N35)
Griffith Chaplaincy

We are the Chaplaincy service for Griffith Univerisity students in Queensland. We aim to Transform students experience by providing opportunity for personal and spiritual growth and the well-being of every Griffith student.

Griffith Chaplains core value is that everyone matters. we understand that:


- Everyone hits tough times. Whatever you are facing, Chaplains are an open and non-judgemental space to talk through what is on your mind and heart. No religion required.

- Everyone is spiritual. No one has it figured out. Chaplains are trained to help you explore the spiritual questions, hopes, doubts, and longings that you might have, regardless of your religious background.

- Everyone needs to belong. Chaplains provide opportunities to connect with a wide range of religious and non-religious groups on and off campus to help you build community and discover belonging.

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