Eastside Kings Festival Blues Dance Workshop with Grey Armstrong

  • September 9, 2023 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • First Street Studio

    701 Tillery Street
    Austin, Texas 78702
Ticket Price $64.30 This event is now over

About Grey Armstrong

Grey found blues dancing long ago when dancing with his grandfather as a child. At university he found others doing a dance similar to what he knew, and clung to the familiar music. Grey is internationally known for innovative classes, deep cultural context, and an intuitive learning style. Leaving students with a lingering feeling they have been changed beyond just dance. He loves to challenge students physically but also intellectually and emotionally, with his experience based teaching.


About the Workshop

How to get down at Eastside Kings Festival

No matter if you have been dancing for years or months dancing to live music with a crowd can be intimidating. What do you do when the song, just. Keeps. Going?! How do you dance to a drum break? How do you stay comfortable while dancing fast anyway? How do I dance with a “non” dancer? How do I show off for anyone watching?

Some things we will touch on are:

  • looking cool
  • close embrace- getting into it, making it comfortable, and getting out
  • fast and rhythmic music
  • why the basics will keep you dancing all weekend
  • ways to connect with anyBODY you meet

And much more!

By brushing up on old skills, learning a few new ones, and some fun trips and tricks, this workshop will get you ready to get down all weekend!

About the Studio

An incubator for performance art, First Street Studio is committed to providing a nourishing and intimate environment for independent working artists to develop and evolve. This single-studio art workspace is the home to dance, theater, music, film and interdisciplinary artists. Founded by choreographers Cheryl Chaddick and Katherine Hodges in 2015, First Street Studio’s architecture, construction, and technology is expertly designed to provide Austin performance artists with a professional rehearsal environment on par with the quality of workspaces found in some of the country’s most thriving art cities. Today, First Street Studio is a staple arts organization where performance art is developed and discovered by Austinites year-round. We are proud to announce the new owners of First Street Studio, Dorothy O’Shea Overbey and AJ Garcia-Rameau!

Date & Time

Sat, Sep 9, 2023 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Venue Details

First Street Studio

701 Tillery Street
Austin, Texas 78702 First Street Studio
Blues Association of Austin