GSA Main Event Social 2025
In purchasing a ticket, parents and students agree to the following rules:
- Admittance cost: $20 + associated fees per student.
- GSA Students may choose to invite ONE non-GSA guest to purchase a ticket and attend the event. Guests are expected to adhere to the same rules and expectations.
- Students must arrive by 6pm and check in with a GSA Booster Club coordinator to receive their wristband and arcade card. Students may only leave before 10pm in cases of emergency or if they have made prior arrangements with the GSABC.
- The social concludes at exactly 10 pm. Students must check out with a GSA Booster Club coordinator when leaving.
- Any signs of alcohol or drug use are not tolerated. Students will not be admitted to the event if they are under the influence. Students are not allowed to bring any type of weapon. Determination of such will be at the discretion of the venue staff, security, or GSABC and their judgement will be final. All items being brought into the event are subject to search.
- Students will be expected to adhere to school dress code and exhibit acceptable conduct. Any member of the venue staff reserves the right to eject a participant who becomes unruly or violates school policy. The parent/guardian giving consent will be called to pick up the student. Parent identification will be needed.
- If, in the judgement of the GSABC coordinators, the student should need immediate treatment or care, it may be provided.
- I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the school, any school representative, academy organization or any parent with regard to any claim by anyone, due to any care given said student and/or any incident that might arise with regard to said student attending the event.
Date & Time
Fri, Feb 21, 2025 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM