Imagine ..... an Adventure!

  • Victoria School of the Arts - Eva O. Theatre

    10210 108 Avenue Northwest
    Edmonton, Alberta T5H 1A8
Ticket Price (CAD) $8.00 This event is now over

Victoria School of the Arts is proud to present, Imagine .... an Adventure! Please join us as the elementary students in Kindergarten to Grade Six share their learning through the creation and presentation of dance and music. Afternoon Kindergarten students will perform on May 15 @ 2:00, with all students in Grade 1 to 6. Grade 1 to 6 students will perform, without Kindergarten students, on May 15 @ 4:30pm. Morning Kindergarten students will perform on May 16 @ 10:30am, with all students in Grade 1 to 6. Tickets are $8.00 each and are available online at or at the door, by cash or credit card. Licorice packages for $2.00 and bottles of water for $1.00 will be sold at the door, cash only. Looking forward to celebrating the elementary students with you!

Venue Details

Victoria School of the Arts - Eva O. Theatre

10210 108 Avenue Northwest
Edmonton, Alberta T5H 1A8 Victoria School of the Arts - Eva O. Theatre
Victoria School of the Arts

Victoria School of the Arts is an Edmonton Public School Division Kindergarten through grade 12 Alternative Arts Program. Victoria School of the Arts students engage in the study of specific art forms such as Band, Choral, Dance, Digital Media, Drama, Film-making, Music, Orff, and Visual Arts and in turn use artistic processes and creativity to deepen their understanding and success in all curricular areas.


  • Are an inseparable part of the school's culture and therefore are a vital part of the learning experience
  • Motivate the cognitive, social, civic, personal, and aesthetic growth and development of students
  • Open avenues for innovation and invention, as well as fostering respect for individual, cultural, and aesthetic diversity
  • Provide students with a variety of approaches to learning methods of building connections between thinking, learning, knowing, and communicating


  • Enable all students to explore and communicate their understandings, feelings, and ideas in a variety of art forms
  • Develop higher level thinking skills (evaluating, expressing, problem solving, creating)
  • Develop artistic skills to enhance academic skills
  • Foster a culture of collaboration to deepen students’ understanding of themselves and others

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