Rehoboth Beach Main Street, Inc. a nonprofit organization comprised of our wonderful merchants and supportive residents who love downtown Rehoboth Beach and are dedicated to keeping it a real hometown and a thriving resort community. Rehoboth Beach Main Street celebrates our amazing community, our commitment to support local and our passion for our unique breathtaking downtown. Beach Main Street works to promote downtown Rehoboth Beach as a year-round beach town with a vibrant commercial area, attractive signage and storefronts, a full calendar of events, and economic programs benefiting the business and residential community.
Dine Downtown then Come Dance!
Featuring The Funsters!
Tickets include coffee, snacks and dessert.
Beer and wine available for donation.
Proceeds Benefit Rehoboth In Bloom
Date & Time
Fri, Mar 28, 2025 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM