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Krazy Kamp
Book by: TIm Kelly
Music and Lyrics by: Bill Francoeur
Director: Janel Cooper
Assistant Director: Cyndi Saye
Adam Apple, the wheeler dealer director of Camp John Smith is in trouble. He and his sidekick, Willard, are destined for “a real job” unless they get their camp in shape. But the rambunctious “gentlemen of John Smith” need a place to stay until things get put back together. Adam finally convinces Eve Hunnicutt, the manager of the girls’ fashionable Camp Pocahontas, to give the boys a home. When serene Pocahontas comes in contact with wild John Smith, this entertaining farce bursts with hilarity. Of course, no one is to know the boys are staying, including the camp’s owner, Mrs. Thistlemist. Keeping any calm, however, is beyond reality when a parade of hilarious characters in addition to the John Smith boys wander into camp: Elmer Crumb, from the carnival with his associate, Cleopatra Nile, who is never without her snakes, Clams Marinara, the notorious hood (who has a wild tune written about him!), the flashily-dressed Dixie, who carries a dinky pistol in a violin case, and the Mo Sisters, three ladies(?) making a celebrity visit to Camp Pocahontas. Toss in a poison ivy victim who resembles a walking mummy... that’s just for starters! Problems stack on top of each other until once charming Camp Pocahontas is declared unfit for habitation by the state inspector. The choice songs in this show will have your audience singing along. From the wacky “A Real Job,” “Poison Ivy Blues” and “Junk Food Junkie” (the camp’s food “rap” song!) to mellow hits like “Broadway Baby” and “My Buddy and Me,” you’ll have the smash of your community! One simple set, no production problems, easy-to-memorize dialogue and upbeat tunes people love to sing.
Date & Time
Jul 18 - 20, 2025
Venue Details
Plaza Theatre-- More info Call 972-977-7710
521 West State StreetGarland, Texas 75040