We inspire cooks one class at a time
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No Thyme to Cook
14624 Solomons Island Road SouthCelebrate the Festival of Lights with us! Immerse yourself in the rich culture of Hanukkah. Learn about the history and traditions of the holiday as you prepare authentic Jewish dishes. From the symbolism of the menorah to the significance of latkes, your chef-instructor will share fascinating insights into the holiday's meaning. You'll enjoy the company of fellow food enthusiasts as well as celebrate the spirit of the holiday together.
Starter Course:
Matzo Ball Soup
Main Course:
Brisket with glazed carrots
Apple Cranberry Noodle Kugel
Latkes with applesauce and sour cream
Dessert Course:
Raspberry and Apricot Rugelach
What To Expect
Great cooking is about more than just recipes—it's about celebrating culinary experiences with a foodie community. In this class, you'll learn with other students in a positive, interactive environment led by our professional chef instructor.
Experience Options
No Thyme to Cook: Stir Up Your Inner Chef!
Sat, Dec 21, 2024 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
We inspire cooks one class at a time
Find more No Thyme to Cook Events and Food & Drink events in Solomons