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🦁✨️ Leo Full Moon ✨️🌕
🌕 ~ Full Moons are a reflection of peak emotional energy and an illumination of the subconcious. Here our manifestations come to full fruition; we get to sift through what is working out for us and what's no longer serving our highest good. Full Moons serve to energetically cleanse and purge what's holding us back from being our highest selves. They are a good time to release blockages, negativity or energies no longer serving us.
🦁 ~ This Full Moon is in Leo, a fixed fire sign, which highlights our more passionate, bold and authentic emotions. It marks an excellent time to liberate ourselves from anything stopping us from achieving out heart's desires. This Full Moon you can let go of old versions of yourself, so that you can move closer to your most authentic self.
🔥 ~ We will be doing a burning writual to assist this Full Moon in helping us release whan no longer serves us. In addition, we will be using Astrology to better understand this Full Moon and reflecting on how this will personally show up for you using your Rising/Ascendant sign. If you are unaware of your Rising or Ascendant, you can find it using your date of birth, birth time and location of birth - we can also help you find this if need be! Feel free to bring writing and journaling utensils, blankets, yoga mats and pillows for seating. Hope to see you there!
Date & Time
Wed, Feb 12, 2025 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM