Murder Mystery - The Cat Screamed at Midnight

  • December 31, 2024 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

    FROSTPROOF, Florida 33843
Ticket Price $20.00 This event is now over


The European continent is poised to either create a legacy of political order or unravel a system of post-World War checks and balances. It has been nearly four months since the Italian Duce, Benito Mussolini, ordered his troops into Abyssinia. Two weeks later, civil war broke out in Spain and Generalissimo Franco called up Adolph Hitler and his Nazi legions to aid the rebel troops.

And, at the English country estate, Conifers, Sir Hugo Smythe Armbruster's 70th party took place last night. Sir Hugo had been knighted after The Great War for his contributions to the war effort. His brilliant sense of both history and propriety established him as an able publisher whose newspaper, The Daily Truth, kept the citizenry informed of what was happening at the front.

The assembled guests celebrated the event with enough food and drink to choke the proverbial horse. But, it seems, the horse may have fought back. This morning, Sir Hugo was found dead in the stables. Although the death was at first viewed to be accidental, Scotland Yard took little time in declaring that, indeed, evidence pointed toward murder.

The old gentleman had been a cat fancier, priding himself in the rare breeds that freely roam the grounds of Conifers. It was said that he preferred cats to humans. He had even threatened to leave his vast fortune to The Royal Feline Society rather than have his millions squandered by "fools and scoundrels." One could only imagine what surprises would unfold when the will is read.

Date & Time

Tue, Dec 31, 2024 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Venue Details


Frostproof Chamber Foundation

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