You'll learn some new meditations to help you heighten your abilities, and clear out your energy. You'll have time to ask questions and get clarity on anything we've done so far.
In this last section of the workshop, I'll be discussing mediumship. You'll learn all about mediumship, and how to do a mediumship reading. I'll teach you some tools that will help you connect, we'll discuss how you can get certain types of information (names, dates, places, specific family members), and how to know which family members you are connecting with.
Mediumship Readings
For the rest of the session, you'll do guided mediumship readings. We'll have you do a few readings on other students in the group, and then you'll get feedback on your reading. Our goal is to help you understand how you work as a medium and help you open up your abilities further.
Final Words
In the end, you'll have a chance to ask questions and get clarity on anything that we discussed. Before sending you off, I'll give you some homework that will help you continue to grow your Mediumship abilities. This homework will include several meditations, which you can record, and tips and tricks for raising your vibration.
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Date & Time
Sun, Aug 6, 2023 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM