Pathfinder 101: Introduction to Shamanism

  • September 18 - November 6, 2024
  • The Healing Shoppe

    316 North Mountain Avenue
    Upland, California 91786
Ticket Price $0.00-$200.00 This event is not available

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The first in a series of courses on Shamanism by George Maldonado, Pathfinder 101 is a look at worldwide Shamanic practices.  Learn to comprehend forces and energies that exist beyond the range of the physical senses and learn to work with them.  Pathfinder 101 meets once a week for 8 weeks.  We ask that you do not miss more than 2 classes per session (and not 2 in a row).  

The Pathfinder series is all about you, the student. You will learn how to peel back the onion, healing yourself so that you may help heal others if you choose. You will find out more about yourself, and can take this journey as far as you want to.  

Introduction to Shamanism is not a religion, but a spiritual path. Perhaps you are stuck, or maybe at a point in your life when you are asking “Is this all there is?” Has religion left you wanting more? Or maybe you want to discover, or ignite the gifts you already have. The Pathfinder series is not meant to change your religious or spiritual beliefs, but to enhance them!

The world is out of balance right now, and we need more spirituality and more healers and warriors.

This 8-week course prepares you to advance to the next course in the Pathfinder series.  The upcoming courses in the series are:

Pathfinder 102:  Controlling the Beast

To bring into balance Mind with Body, Spirit with Emotions, bringing all four to Center.  Identify your inner dialog.  Build self-esteem by overcoming fear.  Pre-requisite 101

Pathfinder 103:  The Journey of Balance

Directional Technology.  A Charting device to enable you to see yourself more clearly and to recognize how you are affected by the energies manifesting in your Life.  Pre-requisite 102

Pathfinder 104:  Erasing False Dependencies

Uncover, Discover, and Discard.  This means getting rid of the garbage of the past, of old beliefs and attitudes.  A recognition of your four selves and the levels of consciousness and bringing them together as a unified Whole.  Prerequisite 103

About the Instructor

George Maldonado started his Shamanic path in 2007. The loss of his parents started him on his Spiritual path. “I didn’t know how to deal with death. I felt I was stuck and filled with grief. After so many years of loss, I finally crossed paths with a Shaman. It was no mistake or coincidence, and the time had finally come for me to continue on my Spiritual path, which was meant for me in this life walk.”

George has studied with authentic Shamans, male and female, and has had numerous years of training in the Shamanic Arts.

He is an Advanced healer, who also received training at The Claremont Healing Arts Center in Reiki, Stone Healing, and a variety of other modalities. He has also studied Hypnotherapy at The Healing Shoppe in Upland.

He has studied the Sacred Native Traditions, such as facilitating Sweat Lodges as a Water Pourer, along with specific uses of smudging, drumming and rattling, which aids in prayer and directing energy in a healing.

Along with his healing work, George is accomplished in Warrior work- removing or extracting Negative energies or Entities from clients, homes or businesses- whether it be a Ghost or Spirit that needs to be removed, or helped to be set free.

“I encourage you to come and learn this exciting path of Shamanism, and see your World, and the world around you change.”

Date & Time

Sep 18 - Nov 6, 2024

Venue Details

The Healing Shoppe

316 North Mountain Avenue
Upland, California 91786 The Healing Shoppe
The Healing Shoppe Crystal Boutique

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