Find more The Mississippi Pizza Pub Events and Music events in Portland
Princexa -
Vega Black -
Camille Tredoux -
is a 21-year-old woman of color based in Portland, OR. She has been singing all of her life and is trying to create a space for women of color within alternative music. She started writing music to share her personal experiences and feelings; to show others who are experiencing or feeling similar things that they are not alone, as she has often felt. Her music is both her therapy and her passion.
• all events are 21+ unless otherwise noted.
• no refunds except for cancellations.
• lineups are subject to change.
• minors allowed in the venue until 9pm.
Date & Time
Thu, Aug 22, 2024 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Venue Details
The Mississippi Pizza Pub & Atlantis Lounge
3552 North Mississippi AvenuePortland, Oregon 97227
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