
  • Fri, Jun 30, 2023 10:00 AM - 11:00 PM
  • Central Standard Time

Ticket Price $10.00 This event is now over


Procrastinators unite! 

Do you have some very specific, perpetually procrastinated tasks you would like to get off your to-do list? 

Join a ProcrastiParty! Our aim is to knock down the barriers that are preventing you from doing the things you need to do so that you can live the life you want to live more fully without regret. 

As a lifelong master procrastinator myself I know the weight and negative emotions that come with procrastinated tasks. This weight can get heavier as days and even years pass.

There are 3 things that I have found most helpful in finally tackling a procrastinated task:

1. KNOWING WHAT TO DO – I often get paralyzed and throw my hands in the air with frustration if I do not know which of my many procrastinated tasks to tackle. We have a method to help you figure out what’s next on your list, and it only takes about 5 minutes.

2. KNOWING WHEN YOU WILL DO IT – I often leave items on a to-do list for years and just keep skipping over them. Putting that particular task on the calendar for a specific day and time is key to checking it off! 

3. ACCOUNTABILITY – For myself, if I have paid for something I am much more likely to do it. Free things are so easy to procrastinate or skip altogether. Also, if someone is relying on me to be somewhere, I am much more likely to be there. 

I truly believe that simply has the potential to change your life and the life of those around you!

How does it work?
Step 1: Sign up for the ProcrastiParty! 
Step 2: Add it to your calendar. 
Step 3: Decide what you will do. If you aren’t sure, we can help! Before the ProcrastiParty registrants will get an email with a method to help figure that out.
Step 4: Join the Zoom link the day and time of your ProcrastiParty! Your host will be waiting for you! You can join anytime during the event. 
Step 5: When you join your host will say hello and ask what you are working on. You can respond verbally or by typing in the chat. Video is not required, your preference.  
Step 6: Once you have introduced yourself, get busy with your task! You can keep Zoom on or leave and come back later. 
Step 7: When you finish, let us know! Verbally or through the chat. You can leave when finished or stay to hear what others have accomplished.
Step 8: Whoever is left can convene for the last 5 minutes to celebrate our accomplishments. Even if you didn’t finish your task, celebrate that you started! 
Step 9: Sign up for another ProcrastiParty! 
Step 10: Tell a friend to join you! 

What kind of tasks can you do during a ProcrastiParty? The type of tasks is endless, and can be for work or personal. Here are just a few ideas:
Drop off the bags of clothes to the donation center that’s been in your car for weeks
Send that baby gift (even if they have outgrown the gift, at this point, just do it!)
Commit some time to writing your thesis/dissertation/book/blog/etc.
Call or visit your parents or grandparents, or someone else special.
Use or cancel that gym membership. 
Make all the phone calls that you have been dreading! 
Cancel subscriptions you no longer use. 
Make doctor/dentist appointments. 
Clean out your refrigerator. 
Clean out your purse, junk drawer, or junk room.
Put items up for sale online or drop to the consignment store. 
Dust off the old instrument and play it! 
Get an oil change. 
Wash and clean out your car. 
Make sales calls.
Plan the event you’ve been wanting to have. 
Make a “hit by the bus” plan for your work or your family. 
Meal prep.
Clean out your inbox. 
Clean out closets. 
Clean a room. 
Find a pile and work through it (at home or work).
Make a will. 
Plan your funeral. 
Take your pet to the vet if overdue. 

Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. 

Date & Time

Fri, Jun 30, 2023 10:00 AM - 11:00 PM

Emerge Events