Program #13 (Theater 1)

  • January 26, 2025 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center THEATER 1

    500 West Fletcher Street
    Alpena, Michigan 49707
Ticket Price $10.00 Buy Tickets

Join the Friends of Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary at the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center for a day of ocean and Great Lakes Films.


NOAA's Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary hosts the Thunder Bay International Film Festival in partnership with the International Ocean Film Festival, the premier global platform for ocean literacy and education through independent film.


This ticket is for Program #13 in Theater 1:


Earth is Blue: Meet the Osprey, 3 min

What's that up there? It's the osprey of Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary! Meet these magnificent birds in this #EarthIsBlue video!


Whitefish are in Trouble, Can Rivers Save Them?, Great Lakes Now (USA) 9 min  

In many areas of the #GreatLakes, whitefish are struggling to maintain their population. #invasivespecies and #climatechange related habitat changes are keeping young #whitefish from making it to adulthood. One experiment conducted by ‪@michigandnr‬, ‪@TheNatureConservancy‬, the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians, the Bay Mills Indian Community, and ‪@littletraversebaybandsofod366‬ aims to help them out by returning them to river spawning runs which were lost more than a century ago.


HAULOUT, Evgenia Arbugaeva & Maxim Arbugaeva (UK) 25 min  

Walruses of the Chukchi Sea north of the Bering Strait need breaks - haulouts - now and then, but global warming has melted the ice floes they once used to rest and give birth.  The results: up to 100,000 walruses including young calves one night crowd into the planet’s largest haulout, startling Russian marine biologist, Maxim Chakilev, who monitors the site every year.  Hundreds are crushed in their overcrowded panic.


Until the End of the World, Francesco de Augustinis (Italy) 60 min  

Take an epic visual journey to Europe, Africa and South America, where different and distant communities clash with the ever growing fish farming industry.  Through the lens of an investigative journalist, viewers will be challenged to answer the question for themselves: Is the fish farming industry a viable, sustainable answer for food security for an increasingly growing global population?


Date & Time

Sun, Jan 26, 2025 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Venue Details

Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center THEATER 1

500 West Fletcher Street
Alpena, Michigan 49707 Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center THEATER 1
Friends of Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary

Established in 2010 by local community leaders, the Friends of TBNMS is a nonprofit 501(c)3. Its founders envisioned the significant opportunity the sanctuary offered for protecting our Great Lakes and their rich maritime history, hands-on educational experiences for area students, and local economic development. Today, that vision has become a reality with the Friends of TBNMS sharing a close working relationship with the sanctuary staff, playing a critical role in funding the sanctuary’s education programs, community outreach efforts, unique museum experiences, and research.

Find more Friends of Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary Events and Film, Media & Entertainment events in Alpena