Quan Yin Activation: Sacred Sound Journey for Suffering & Grief

  • September 25, 2024 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Healing Concepts/Yoga757

    3619 Virginia Beach Boulevard
    Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452
Ticket Price $32.64 This event is now over

Quan Yin Activation: Sacred Sound Journey for Suffering & Grief

She Who Hears The Weeping World: She of 1000 Waters


About This Journey

Through the sacredness of sound, vibrational resonance & chanted mantra, we will call upon Quan Yin to ease our suffering & times of grief. The frequencies of her Rose Quartz Ray of Divine Mother’s Love, Gentle White Light that Pierces all Darkness & the Aquamarine Ray of Rebirth, Courage & Divine Service will be activated, allowing us to feel her compassion & Divine Motherly unconditional love. She will bring us comfort, grace & peace as she holds our hand while we embrace our vulnerability through this journey back home to ourselves where we can walk with heads held high with self-love, self-respect & honor.


In this practice

We will call upon this Divine Feminine Christed master to ease our suffering due to pain, grief, loss, and depression. She comes to compassionately comfort us & to show us the Divine Light we carry within as we move through the process of grieving, letting go, mourning the loss & recovering. Through our vulnerable moments, Quan Yin shows us that we are indeed lovable, empowering us to love, honor & respect ourselves. 

Call upon Quan Yin when you are in your suffering & drowning in emotions. She is the embodiment of the emotional element of water, the fluid embodiment of Sophia wisdom. She carries with her the Rose Quartz Ray of Divine Mother’s Love as well as the Gentle White Light that Pierces all Darkness & the Aquamarine Ray of Rebirth, Courage & Divine Service which she broadcasts through water that carries out as a mist that soothes your body, heart & mind. Through this transmission of Light, she helps you heal your relationship with the suffering + offers you a safe sanctuary for you to honor & let go of your greatest wounds, fears & insecurities. 

She teaches that vulnerability & our willingness to be vulnerable to our painful experiences only helps to encourage & stimulate personal growth; thus vulnerability deserves our utmost self-respect, self-compassion & unconditional love. These are moments when we need to be gentle with ourselves. Call upon this compassionate Ascended Master to teach you how to ease your experiences of vulnerability with patience & to refrain from pressuring to prematurely move past unresolved pain.

This is especially important to your Inner Child who will hide away during these suffering moments. It is when we are authentically present to our healing journey that the innocence of our Inner Child will assert itself, feeling safe & fully acknowledged & safe enough to release the suffering that no longer serves you. Through this healing, we also come to love ourselves a little bit more, we become the nurturing parent to our Inner Child, & we learn to forgive ourselves for any part we may have played in our suffering - a gift we give ourselves. 


About Quan Yin:

Upon her incarnation a human girl, she chose a modest-ranking family & community in the jungles of the Northern Asian mountains & was born as a girl named Yoshinami. Because she revolted against an arranged marriage, she was beaten & abused by her father. Near her 13th birthday, her village was raided by Mongol soldiers who drank blood. She was captured, raped & beaten. Her village was burnt & her parents murdered before her eyes. After witnessing their execution, she was left to die in a pool of her own blood. She was roused back to consciousness by an angelic figure & urged to quickly flee to the mountains where she became a feral ghost that had burrowed into a dark hole of her own grief & was living off of wild roots & herbs . She lived in the wild for about 4 years. Being that her culture’s social conditioning created a judgement about her being now an orphan & contaminated by rape, she felt extreme unworthiness & extreme self-hatred. Just at the moment in which she was about to end her life, an angel in the form of a man appeared & spoke, “Be at peace.” He was a living master of light; a holy man who became her teacher who would help her to heal & to know the medicine of water to heal her wounds, both seen & unseen. He also taught her of his home in the mountain range that bridged the heavens that was the earthly throne of A Divine Mother embodiment named Tara. She began learning of Tara’s strength & sovereign power as liberator which helped her to step into her own sovereign & Divine Feminine Power. As she deepened her meditation practice, Tara began appearing to Quan Yin on the inner planes. On one such visitation, Tara asked Quan Yin to dedicate herself to the embodiment of the mantra of compassion: Om Mani Padme Hum. Her sharing this mantra with her was preparing her to become the vehicle of compassion and grace for those suffering from the same depression & self-hatred that she had. After years of study, tutelage, & embracing her full potential of her own Divine Feminine Christ embodiment within, it was time for her to receive a new name. The man looked at her & gave her the name, Quan Yin. He said, “On behalf of the creation, thank you for accepting your embodiment of compassion. Many will save themselves by calling upon the transmission of your name.” 



$30 Investment

Event begins promptly at 7PM

I look forward to journeying with you!


Items you may wish to bring with you to enhance your journey:

  • Blanket for weight or warmth
  • Yoga Mat / Floor Cushion
  • Pillow or bolster for your head/Under your knees
  • Something to lay across your eyes (this sends a signal to your brain to allow you to go deep within)
  • Bottle of water to ground yourself after the experience - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
  • Journal & Pen to write down any breakthroughs, visions, emotions, etc brought to you from your journey
  • Crystals/gems/stones
  • oracle cards
Date & Time

Wed, Sep 25, 2024 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Venue Details

Healing Concepts/Yoga757

3619 Virginia Beach Boulevard
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452 Healing Concepts/Yoga757
Yuli Arts

Hi! I'm Yuli!

I am a visual storyteller, certified Art Therapy Life Coach + Vibrational Sound Healer who weaves healing energetic frequencies through the creation of intuitively inspired Art + Sound – 2 of the oldest healing modalities of all time. 

I invite you to take a journey thru the senses of hearing + sight to See the Story Unheard – a journey to the deep inner world of wonderful & magnificent YOU – into your inner world; the world of imagery & emotions… visions & feelings. This is the place where deep healing happens – the home of your Heart + Soul – so with that I say, “Welcome Home!”

I have a very unique "flavor" to my healing methods. I incorporate the ancient wisdom of shamanic practices with the power of sound therapy and my intuitively created artwork. My passion lies in uniting my two loves, my energetically infused Art & sound healing which opens the space to provide a more immersive & personal experience for the public. The energies of the artwork and those of the sound frequencies merge together and interact with the participants. While the sound work offers an audio and resonant healing effect, the Artwork provides a visual experience before and after the sound journey. The positive meditative experience as well as the infused energies of the artwork are anchored & integrated into the participants for a longer lasting healing experience. Each time, the participant views the artwork, they will be transported to that meditative and peaceful state reached during the event. 

I currently reside in the Virginia Beach, VA area and offer my services through events at metaphysical shops, healing/wellness centers, spiritual centers, art galleries & in homes/businesses throughout the Virginia, Georgia & Ohio areas & everywhere in-between. My artwork has been exhibited locally, regionally, nationally & internationally & has been published in several web-based & print publications. Currently, I am represented by the exquisite Gallerie Ukwensi of Ghent at 424 W21st St., Norfolk, VA. 


To keep up with me & my adventures & soul lessons, follow me on FB @YuliArts333 & on Instagram @_Yuli_Arts. I also offer wisdom share, sacred sound snippets, and sacred art shares on my YouTube channel @YuliArtsTime.

Find more Yuli Arts Events and Health & Wellness events in Virginia Beach