Loss impacts us in so many ways. We feel grief from loss in our body, our mind, and our heart. Yoga can aid in easing some of the symptoms of grief by helping to unite body, breath, and heart.
Reduce Stress | Connect Mind, Body, & Heart | Increase Energy | Improve Sleep & Relaxation | Heal Pain & Grief
Please join us in-person at the Center for Grief & Loss for our Restorative Yoga for Grief Support workshop. We will share information about yoga; including how and why it can help ease grief. We will then apply this information with a gentle yoga practice, led by Dallas Rising, Certified Yoga Instructor. This restorative and gentle yoga practice can allow a weary and hurting body, mind, and heart to rest and heal.
Register today! Space is limited to 8 participants.
Scholarships available if unable to cover full registration fee.
Why should I participate in Restorative Yoga for Grief Support? Grief and loss impact us in a myriad of emotional, physical, and mental ways. Common physical symptoms include fatigue, aches, pains, changes in appetite and digestion, disrupted sleep, tightness in the chest and difficulty breathing well, headaches, irritability, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, and a compromised immune system.
Yoga can aid in easing some of the symptoms of grief by helping to unite the body, breath, and heart when it can feel like this connection has been severed by loss. Having a designated space and time to tune into what’s happening under the surface creates space for healing. Unlike a support group, yoga for grief combats the feelings of isolation often accompanying grief without any pressure to talk or absorb details of other people’s pain. The quiet presence of others in a similar situation offers comfort without additional emotional demands.
What should I expect? Gentle, supported poses using bolsters, blocks, and blankets to help soothe the nervous system. A guided meditation and body scan followed by some time to tune into your tender heartspace in a supported environment.
Is there a fee to participate? The cost to participate in this in-person event is $35 per person. If you would like to participate, but are unable to cover the fee, scholarship options are available. Likewise, if you are able to give a bit more, it would allow for others to participate who might not be able to otherwise. We hope that this program is accessible to all who need this support.
Contact Stacy at sscalon@familymeans.org or 651-641-0177 for more information or scholarship inquiries.
FamilyMeans Counseling & Therapy provides high-quality, easily accessible, and affordable mental health support to individuals and families when and where they need it. At present our support is easily accessed through three subprograms: Outpatient Mental Health, School-Based Mental Health, and the Center for Grief & Loss.
Providing outpatient mental health in clinics located in Stillwater, MN and Hudson, WI, as well as, virtually. Our highly trained staff provide individual counseling, couples counseling, family counseling, support groups, and education.
School-Based Mental Health is provided in 4 districts in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Supporting students, parents, and teachers with individual counseling, family counseling, support groups, and education.
The Center for Grief & Loss is a specialized outpatient mental health clinic in Saint Paul that provides support to those healing from complicated loss across all ages and stages.
Visit FamilyMeans.org to learn more about services.
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