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Robinson Girls Softball Super Bowl Block Poll
Once we have sold all 100 blocks, we will place each block purchased into a hat and pull the names to fill in the chart. You will receive a different number for each quarter.
- End of 1st Quarter:
- Actual Score - $250
- Reverse Score - $100
- End of 2nd Quarter
- Actual Score - $400
- Reverse Score - $100
- End of 3rd Quarter
- Actual Score - $250
- Reverse Score - $100
- End of 4th Quarter
- Actual Score - $1000
- Reverse Score - $300
Payout example:
End of 2nd Quarter Score - Super Bowl LVIII:
- 49ers - 10
- Chiefs - 3
- Square with 49ers - 0 and Chiefs 3 would win $400
- Square with 49ers - 3 and Chiefs 0 would win $100
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