Join the Museum of Work & Culture for its annual Salute to Spring ~ Bonjour Printemps concert on Sunday, March 30th, at the Blackstone River Theatre in Cumberland, RI.
Grosse Isle, a traditional trio that represents the musical best of two great cultures, Ireland and Québec, will perform. Involved in the traditional music scene for more than a decade, Gross Isle carefully curates a musical journey with arrangements featuring uilleann pipes, fiddle, piano, whistle and banjo. Grosse Isle has appeared at major international events including Celtic Connections (Scotland), Milwaukee Irish Fest (USA), National Folk Festival (Australia), WOMEX (Portugal), the Canada Games and the Canadian Folk Music Awards Gala (Canada).
Doors will open at 2pm, with a sample of poutine, delicious pastries courtesy of Wright’s Dairy Farm, and other refreshments. The concert will begin at 3pm and last 90 minutes, with one intermission. Following the concert, the afternoon will culminate with the announcement of the winners of the museum’s annual raffle.
Salute to Spring is made possible in part by the event’s generous sponsors: Délégation of Québec in Boston, Brule, Nault & Hainley, Lepine Financial Advisors, RI AFL-CIO, The Brickle Group, New England Laborers, Bourget & Associates, Paul and Denise Bourget, Wright’s Dairy Farm & Bakery; with additional support from Council General of Canada, David Soucy, NEARI, Single Source Disaster Recovery Specialist, Inc; as well as, Councilman Dan Gendron, Northern RI Chamber of Commerce, Sheahan Printing, Wealth Management Resources, Inc, Hunter Insurance Company, McGee Re/Max Properties, and L’il General Stores.