Sea Cabinet

  • May 9 - 18, 2024
  • Elision Playhouse

    6105 42nd Avenue North
    Crystal, Minnesota 55422
Ticket Price $15.00-$55.00 This event is now over

Sea Cabinet  - Music and Lyrics by Gwyneth Herbert; Book by Heidi James

Sea Cabinet is a song cycle of linked songs about memory, obsession, love and the sea.  A woman walks the beach alone, obsessively collecting every discarded and washed-up object she finds.  She takes them home to catalogue each one with the care and rigor of a scientist. Each item sings with the memory of a secret sea-set story.  Written and originally performed in England, our 2019 production was the U.S. premiere. We are thrilled to return to this much-loved work!

This 75-minute song cycle is performed in one-act with no intermission.

Date & Time

May 9 - 18, 2024

Venue Details

Elision Playhouse

6105 42nd Avenue North
Crystal, Minnesota 55422 Elision Playhouse
Elision Playhouse

Elision Playhouse is a performing arts venue located in Crystal, Minnesota.