Seattle Poly Speed Dating Inaugural Event

  • November 3, 2024 1:15 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Snapshot Brewing

    8005 Greenwood Avenue North
    Seattle, Washington 98103
Ticket Price $32.73-$53.80 Join the waitlist

Welcome to Seattle Inclusive Matchmaking and Speed Dating’s first speed dating event! This is a public event, meaning that you do not have to be a matchmaking member to attend this event.  This is a queer focused speed dating event for the polyamorous community.  The age range is set to 22-55 for this event.  Look out for future events for different age ranges!

The venue is Snapshot Brewing in Greenwood, Seattle, and the size is limited to 25 participants. 

Pricing is sliding scale.  Please choose the option that best fits your situation.  Additional funding will help make future events possible.  

Again, you do not have to be a matchmaking member to attend this event, and pricing is sliding scale.  We can’t wait to see you there! 

Date & Time

Sun, Nov 3, 2024 1:15 PM - 4:00 PM

Venue Details

Snapshot Brewing

8005 Greenwood Avenue North
Seattle, Washington 98103 Snapshot Brewing
Seattle Inclusive Matchmaking and Speed Dating

Seattle Inclusive Matchmaking is a service by and for queer and polyamorous people in Seattle. BIPOC, trans, non-binary, immigrant, queer, and other people are encouraged to participate.  

Speed dating and lectures: These events, including the one above, do not require a membership.  Please keep a look out for future events!

For people who want a more personalized approach, I offer matchmaking.  Read on below for details about those services.  You do not have to be a matchmaking member to attend speed dating events or lectures!

Matchmaking: Once you book a 60-minute initial interview, I will work with you to discuss you, your experiences with dating, what you are looking for, and how I can help.  In order to make my services accessible, they are available on a sliding scale.  Please message me so we can work out pricing.

Suggested prices:  

Initial consult, 60 minutes: $100 (includes monthly membership for one month)

Monthly membership: $50 (includes a listing, and personalized matchmaking as opportunities come up).  

Referrals are greatly encouraged and can earn you a free month of listing.  

If you are not satisfied with the service, I can refund your most recent monthly fee, or 50, whichever is lower. I do not guarantee matches because people are not commodities, and I want to ensure that I am only setting people up if I think they will be successful.  

Please message me to discuss sliding scale fees and what you are looking for! I'd love to connect.  Book your initial consult here:


About Rozie:

I am a community activist and organizer who has been in the Seattle polyamorous community since 2017. I have led a local polyamory discussion group and moderated its Discord server since 2021.  I am a relationship nerd whose hobby is studying non-traditional relationships.  Podcasts are my favorite medium for learning about relationships.  I've always been fascinated by other people, which led me to complete a degree in anthropology from the University of Washington.  I've been in almost every relationship configuration possible.  I raise two children with my polyam fam.  I am beyond excited to help people in my community find meaningful connections! 

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