We’re a non-profit organisation helping people learn to cook, eat a healthy diet, grow their own food and waste less food.
Food is more than just fuel, it brings people together and changes lives.
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Join us for our second seed packing event in the run up to Seedy Sunday 2025!
When? 12th January, 12-4pm
Where? Community Base Conference Room, 113 Queen's Road
Who? This is open to anyone wanting to volunteer with Seedy Sunday 2025
We'll be packing seeds that have been donated from a range of gardens and suppliers across Sussex, putting them into small seed envelopes that can be swapped or sold at Seedy Sunday. This will also be an opportunity to come together as volunteers old and new for Seedy Sunday. You're invited to either drop in for a few hours, or stay for the whole afternoon. We have a lot of seeds to pack!
Cheese, crackers, tea, and biscuits will be provided. Please register in advance so we have an idea of numbers.
We can't wait to meet you and get prepped for our favourite Sunday of the year 🌱
Date & Time
Sun, Jan 12, 2025 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Venue Details
Conference Room, Community Base
113 Queens RoadBrighton and Hove, East Sussex BN1 3XG