The St. Paul’s D.A.D.S. Club, which stands for “Dedicated and Devoted to Students”, is an organization founded by the fathers of St. Paul’s students and parishioners dedicated to providing a positive influence by leading through example and involvement. We support and enhance the learning experience and social environment of St. Paul’s Parish and School by creating a network of involved and active fathers to help develop closer relationships with our children.
Bring your family and friends and celebrate Lent with the Saint Paul's DADS Club at our semi-famous Fish Fry March 22nd, 6-9pm.
Cost is $10 per plate. Remember to buy one multi-person tickets to save money on processing fees!
Please join us in the Father Kelly Athletic Center (aka the gym) and enjoy delicious fish, fries, hush puppies and friends.
Date & Time
Fri, Mar 22, 2024 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Venue Details
Father Kelly Athletic Center (St Paul's Gym)
428 2nd Ave NJacksonville Beach, Florida 32250