Crossroads Comedy Theater is a roaming home in Philly for comedy shows, podcasts, comedy classes, and more! Shows feature hilarious performers from the Philadelphia area and beyond. Classes are taught by the bes instructors in the Philly area who are passionate about making you a better at whatever your focus is. Crossroads is available for private shows, improv workshops, or other things you might have in mind. We are now starting very limited operations in Indianapolis as well!
Study Hall is now in session! This long running comedy show mixes real lectures with improv comedy to create a show that is both entertaining and educational! Guests from all walks of life will lecture on a topic they are familiar with after which our cast of amazing improvisers will use what they learned (or didn't learn) to create hilarious scenes right before your eyes! Whether you were the class president or the class clown- you will love Study Hall!
Chad Eric Smith - Senior Director of Communications & Brand Management of Mural Arts
Kelsi Paden - is a thriving event curator who brought Philly the popular Self Love Sundays series. Join us as Kelsi educates Study Hall’s audience on how to create your own path.
VENUE INFO: The Skinner Studio at Plays and Plays is a third floor walk-up. There are no elevators or mobility devices on-site.
COVID-19 INFO: An N95, KN95 or surgical mask is encouraged while in the building. If you do not have one a disposable surgical mask will be provided.
COMEDY CLASSES: Crossroads Comedy Theater also offers classes in improv, sketch comedy writing, stand-up, and more! Our six week classes will give you skills that go beyond the stage and page and are suitable for all walks of life, not just performers. Click here to learn more.
Date & Time
Sat, Jun 3, 2023 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM