We inspire cooks one class at a time
Find more No Thyme to Cook Events and Food & Drink events in Solomons
No Thyme to Cook
14624 Solomons Island Road SouthSushi is a feast for the eyes as well as the taste buds. With its delicious fresh fish and seasonal veggies rolled in rice, most people opt to order it in. But did you know that sushi is really fun to create? After this class, you’ll no longer pick up the phone when you have a yen for this Japanese delight!
What To Expect
Great cooking is about more than just recipes—it's about celebrating culinary experiences with a foodie community. In this class, you'll work together with other students in a fun, hands-on environment led by our professional chef instructor.
All students will receive 10% off any scheduled public class(es) purchased that evening.
Experience Options
No Thyme to Cook: Inspiring Cooks One Class at a Time.
Sat, Feb 4, 2023 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
We inspire cooks one class at a time
Find more No Thyme to Cook Events and Food & Drink events in Solomons