Welcome to SYNTHFLOW
A harmonious blend of YOGA + SOUNDSCAPES:
🌈 VOCAL YOGA to Ignite Self-Expression
🌱 MINDFUL MOVEMENT to Strengthen Body Connection
🧿 MEDITATIVE SOUNDSCAPES to Restore Mental Clarity
Whether you seek to awaken your artistic expression, release mental blocks, or simply harmonize your being, "Synthflow" is the perfect canvas for self-exploration.
"Synthflow" is more than just a yoga class; it's an immersive experience that encourages you to tap into your inner reservoir of creativity. Come join us and experience the joy of synchronizing body and imagination in this one-of-a-kind yoga adventure.
This class is open to practitioners of all levels, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all.
🙏 Yoga by @RGBreatheYoga
🎵 Sound by @SeanRHealey
📍 Hosted by @MuckDuckStudio 🎨
🪷 SLIDING SCALE ($20 to $40)
Ideal for participants that can offer full ($40) to baseline ($20) support to our facilitators. Payment required to register.
🪷 NTAFLOF ($0 to $19)
Ideal for participants with financial accessibility needs. Free registration. Donations welcome at door. *No One Turned Away for Lack of Funds
🔴 Bring yoga mat/accessories
🟢 Bring water bottle
🔵 Wear comfortable clothing for movement
Inside Blossom Business Center
595 Blossom Road. #317 Rochester, NY 14610
Muck Duck Studio’s mission is to empower individuals, organizations, and businesses, both locally in Rochester, NY, and globally, through the transformative power of creativity. We combine a diverse range of art forms, including somatic experiences, music, visual arts, and environmentalism, to inspire and engage people from all walks of life.
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