
  • McGimsey Scout Park

    10810 Wedgewood Drive
    Castle Hills, Texas 78213
Ticket Price Free This event is not available


Venue Details

McGimsey Scout Park

10810 Wedgewood Drive
Castle Hills, Texas 78213 McGimsey Scout Park
Boy Scouts of America, Alamo Area Council

The Boy Scouts of America, Alamo Area Council is headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, and serves a 13-county area imparting the Scouting program to over 16,000 youth and 2,400 volunteer adults in South Texas. The Boy Scouts of America continue to prepare young people for life by providing the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training, utilizing outdoor activity, citizenship, and fitness. The Alamo Area Council manages over 1,500 acres of outdoor adventure for boys and girls from 5-20 years of age at three premier camps – Bear Creek Scout Reservation, Mays Family Scout Ranch, and McGimsey Scout Park. Learn more at www.AlamoAreaBSA.org.

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