The Sacred Center of the Celtic Medicine Wheel: Claiming Your Sovereignty - Shamanic Sascred Sound Journey

  • June 5, 2024 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Healing Concepts/Yoga757

    3619 Virginia Beach Boulevard
    Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452
Ticket Price $32.64 This event is now over

Investment: $30 RSVP

About this Sound Journey:

We have travelled around the wheel, getting clear on our truth & discovering our true genius that lies within. We have embraced our challenges & defeated our conditioned self, dispelling all Judgements, Assumptions, Inventions & Lies that we were telling ourselves to keep us living small… & now we stand victorious - ready to take the crown! To claim our stake & step into our sovereignty! But what exactly is sovereignty? The literal definition is “Supreme power or authority.” The Celts go a step further & state it is being in right standing with the earth beneath us, the heavens above, and the soul inside us. It means knowing your place in the world and standing firmly in it.

When we live fully as sovereign embodied, we are at peace with the world around us as well as with the world within us. We cannot be swayed! We are so filled with peace & a deep knowing of who we are that we are better able to allow everything to be as it is - to let things be and to simply roll with the ebb & flow of life. When we stand in our full authority, our power, we naturally choose forgiveness, grace & humility over arrogance, blind ambition, pride or jealousy. 

In Gaelic, this is what is known as being an sith, which refers to the imagined peace of the Faerylands and the Faery folk, namely the Sidhe, who lived in a realm of no struggle, illness, or deprivation.

“What disturbs our equilibrium and peace — our sovereignty — is oftentimes what we cannot let go of, what we cannot “allow.” In blessed moments of clarity, we recall that the only true battle is the battle within us.” - Jane Burns, Celtic Shaman.

That being said, forgiveness is the greatest contribution we can give ourselves. Forgiveness is FOR-GIVING - it’s a gift we give ourselves & oftentimes, it is ourselves we need to forgive. When we forgive others, we put an end to the suffering within ourselves that is rooted in attaching to the wrong we perceive to have been done. When we let go of the attachment to the suffering, we are able to see the matter from an alternate perspective as the compassionate observer & thus are able to find ourselves in a place of forgiveness = PEACE. How do we know we have fully forgiven? When we can speak of the matter without emotions to overtaking us; when we can speak of it to others as if sharing a wisdom for the greater good of all… then is when we know we have forgiven  & we have healed. 

In this practice, you’ll:

  • Become aware of moments that steal your tranquility - identify them & find peace & grace, enabling you to move through them unshaken
  • Identify what and who needs to be forgiven
  • Choose peace over the need to be right
  • Become a vigilant witness to the ways in which you give your power away - forgive yourself for this allowance & embrace the wisdom found in these moments
  • Learn to LET IT ALL GO!

About Your Journey Guide: 

Yuli Anun us an energy worker, visual storyteller, certified Art Therapy Life Coach & Vibrational Sound Healer who currently resides in the Virginia Beach area. She brings with her a passion for weaving story with healing frequencies through the creation of intuitively inspired Art + Sound - 2 of the oldest healing modalities of all time. 

Yuli incorporates the ancient wisdom of shamanic practices & the medicine of the 5 elements with the power of sound therapy through the use of her voice (Ether/Spirit Medicine), rattles & rhythmic Shamanic drumming (Earth Medicine), Crystal Sound Bowls, Ocean Drum & Rainstick (Water Medicine), Himalayan Singing Bowls (Fire Medicine), chimes (Air Medicine) to take participants on a journey into the soul to induce a state of deep relaxation, dreaming & restoration.


The Physical Benefits of Sound Healing are:

Reduction of Pain

Increased Immune Function

Stress reduction & Relaxation

Super-Boosted Healing Response

Relief from Depression & Anxiety

Increased Work Productivity & Focus

Cessation of Sleep Disorders & Insomnia

Physical Healing for Illnesses & Disease

Enhanced Energy Levels Through the day


Some Items you may wish to bring to enhance your experience:

Yoga mats, blankets and pillows are available but you may wish to bring your preferred items from home

Yoga Mat, Pillows for head & knees


Eye Pillow

Journal & pen/Pencil

Bottle of water

Date & Time

Wed, Jun 5, 2024 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Venue Details

Healing Concepts/Yoga757

3619 Virginia Beach Boulevard
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452 Healing Concepts/Yoga757
Yuli Arts

Hi! I'm Yuli!

I am a visual storyteller, certified Art Therapy Life Coach + Vibrational Sound Healer who weaves healing energetic frequencies through the creation of intuitively inspired Art + Sound – 2 of the oldest healing modalities of all time. 

I invite you to take a journey thru the senses of hearing + sight to See the Story Unheard – a journey to the deep inner world of wonderful & magnificent YOU – into your inner world; the world of imagery & emotions… visions & feelings. This is the place where deep healing happens – the home of your Heart + Soul – so with that I say, “Welcome Home!”

I have a very unique "flavor" to my healing methods. I incorporate the ancient wisdom of shamanic practices with the power of sound therapy and my intuitively created artwork. My passion lies in uniting my two loves, my energetically infused Art & sound healing which opens the space to provide a more immersive & personal experience for the public. The energies of the artwork and those of the sound frequencies merge together and interact with the participants. While the sound work offers an audio and resonant healing effect, the Artwork provides a visual experience before and after the sound journey. The positive meditative experience as well as the infused energies of the artwork are anchored & integrated into the participants for a longer lasting healing experience. Each time, the participant views the artwork, they will be transported to that meditative and peaceful state reached during the event. 

I currently reside in the Virginia Beach, VA area and offer my services through events at metaphysical shops, healing/wellness centers, spiritual centers, art galleries & in homes/businesses throughout the Virginia, Georgia & Ohio areas & everywhere in-between. My artwork has been exhibited locally, regionally, nationally & internationally & has been published in several web-based & print publications. Currently, I am represented by the exquisite Gallerie Ukwensi of Ghent at 424 W21st St., Norfolk, VA. 


To keep up with me & my adventures & soul lessons, follow me on FB @YuliArts333 & on Instagram @_Yuli_Arts. I also offer wisdom share, sacred sound snippets, and sacred art shares on my YouTube channel @YuliArtsTime.

Find more Yuli Arts Events and Health & Wellness events in Virginia Beach