Intro to Production Office Coordination
Blair Hackman presents an introduction to the control center of any production: the production
office. This comprehensive workshop offers practical knowledge, hands-on tools and skills
required for anyone interested in working in the production office as a coordinator, assistant or
related roles in film and television production. The production office is the hub that connects it
all. In this engaging workshop, you will experience the critical relationship that exists between
the studio, the departments, and the final product on screen; from pre-production to wrap the
production office facilitates it all!'

Blair had her first experience working in the film industry as an Office and Location Production Assistant in Regina, SK in 2002. After completing her undergrad at U of R she packed up her car and moved to Vancouver, BC where she worked her way up in the production office to the position of Co-Production Coordinator.
Over the past 20 years, she has worked on both US and Canadian film and television productions. During that time, she has had the good fortune to work on several WB and CBS productions, most recently working on the WB series “Riverdale.”
She has had the opportunity to train many individuals joining the film industry and has a strong understanding of the important role the Production Office team has in any production. Blair has gained useful and practical experience that she is excited to share during the workshop back in the prairies where it all started.
Date & Time
Sat., Mar. 11, 2023 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Venue Details
University of Regina College Building
2155 College AvenueRegina, Saskatchewan S4P 4V5