
  • Pickup location

    Houston, Texas 77002
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Tools-N-Troops - New Tool Set Drive for Veteran in Industry

We're proud to announce the Tools-N-Troops event, an initiative designed to support our brave veterans transitioning to the industry workforce. This event falls under the 'Other' category with a sub-category of 'Career.'

What is Tools-N-Troops?

Tools-N-Troops is a tool-set drive aimed at providing essential equipment for veterans starting their new career paths in various industries. We believe that our veterans, with their skills and dedication, are a valuable asset to the workforce. By providing them with the necessary tools, we can help ease their transition and set them up for success.

Event Venue

The event will be held at a designated pickup location in the heart of Houston, Texas. The exact location details will be provided to all participants closer to the date.

Why should you participate?

By participating in Tools-N-Troops, you're not only helping our veterans, but also contributing to the growth and success of our local industries. Your contribution can make a significant difference in the lives of those who have served our country. Let's stand together to support our troops as they embark on their new career journeys!

We look forward to your participation!

Join us in making a difference. We can't wait to see you at Tools-N-Troops!

Venue Details

Pickup location

Houston, Texas 77002 Pickup location
Houston Regional Veterans Chamber

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