• June 29, 2023 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Pacific Standard Time

Ticket Price Free This event is now over


Most of us are taught that certain things are unacceptable to desire (let alone do), even in the privacy of our own imaginations. This workshop is an opportunity to challenge the shaming and stigma often attached to sexual practices labelled kinky, taboo, weird or fetishistic. This workshop non-judgmentally explores what sexual fantasies ‘mean’, and how to engage with the intense, intimate, emancipatory potential of exploring kink sexuality with authenticity, safety and joy.

There is no expectation that participants will disclose any information about their own sexual preferences at any point. Participants will be able to engage fully in all aspects of the workshop without discussing their own sexualities.

This workshop is suitable for everyone, whether or not they identify as ‘kinky’. No prior knowledge/experience with terminology or practices of the kink community will be assumed.

We will…

- engage in discussions, activities and personal reflection to explore the questions above

- myth-bust common misconceptions about fantasies and kink

- cultivate an atmosphere that is open-minded, kind and respectful to a variety of perspectives, sexual proclivities and ideas

- have a chill zone available throughout the workshop where anyone is welcome to retreat if they feel overwhelmed or triggered

- have a No Questions Asked policy for anyone who leaves the workshop at any point

We will not

- do any sexual activity of any kind

- be asked or expected to share any personal information about our own sexual experiences or desires

- assume any knowledge prior to the workshop

- expect people to be familiar with any specific terminology ​

This workshop is for you if…

- You want to learn more about what kink actually is, why people have kinky sex and how they do so safely & pleasurably

- You are curious about kink / BDSM and don't know where to start. Perhaps you've explored certain avenues and they felt intimidating / overwhelming/ unappealing and you now feel stuck

- You want to bring your fantasies out of your head/porn/erotica and into IRL situations and don't know how

- You want to discuss erotic fantasies, sexual taboos and kinky sexuality in a space facilitated with sex-positivity & non-judgment

- You feel the effect of existing in a world where consensual sexual practices are routinely stigmatised, shamed & pathologised, and you want to partake in a space where kink-shaming ideologies get unpacked & challenged

Date & Time

Thu, Jun 29, 2023 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Oakland Black Pride