WEBINAR: How to Prepare a Budget for SBIR/STTR Proposals

  • January 13, 2025 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Virtual via ZoomGov

    Orlando, Florida
Ticket Price Free This event is now over

Register Today to Master the Essentials of Government Funding and Budgeting

We have partnered with BBCetc to provide expert insights and actionable information. 


Whether you are anticipating a government grant or contract, it is imperative that you can manage the funds received. Understanding the fundamentals necessary to manage your government dollars is key to organizing your business for success and proving your credibility for future funding.

Developing a proper budget for a grant or contract proposal should not be overlooked. A proper budget can be an effective tool in driving the project from start to finish. This session covers what costs need to be included, different cost types, how to write a budget justification, what indirect rate should be used, and more.



Presenter: Shannon Bass, Executive Consultant and BBCetc Co-owner

Shannon is a BBCetc Co-owner and Executive Consultant. She joined the BBCetc team in 2018 bringing with her 28 years of management experience in the biotechnology industry and as an independent SBIR/STTR consultant. Shannon’s career began with an animal health start-up out of the University of Kentucky, which was later purchased by Neogen Corporation. She continued in senior management with Neogen for 17 years in the areas of quality control/ assurance, regulatory, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and technical services. Later she became CEO of a biotech start-up which brought to market a veterinary research device and president of another medical device firm developing a product for treatment of late-stage lung cancer. She holds B.S. degree in Agriculture from Murray State University in Kentucky.


About BBC Entrepreneurial Training & Consulting

BBCetc is nationally recognized for its success in helping emerging companies win SBIR/STTR funding and use it strategically to propel growth. BBCetc’s Michigan clients have been awarded over $444 million in funding since 2002. The company was recently named a 2020 Tibbetts Award winner as well as one of 50 “Michigan companies to watch” by Michigan Celebrates Small Business.www.bbcetc.com / 734.930.9741 / info@bbcetc.com / @BBC_etc


Date & Time

Mon, Jan 13, 2025 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Venue Details

Virtual via ZoomGov

Orlando, Florida Virtual via ZoomGov
Central Florida Tech Grove

The Central Florida Tech Grove is a hub for accelerating collaboration and innovation in defense modeling, simulation, training, and human performance.  Tech Grove is located in the Central Florida Research Park in Orlando, Florida which is the epicenter of the nation's largest cluster of government, industry, academic, and industry organizations developing and delivering training and simulation products for our nation's military. Tech Grove was established in 2020 through a Partnership Intermediary Agreement (PIA) between the Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) and the University of Central Florida Research Foundation.  Ten other Department of Defense entities are Tech Grove members with NAWCTSD: US Army Program Executive Office for Simulation Training and Instrumentation (PEO STRI), US Air Force Agency for Modeling & Simulation (AFAMS), US Marine Corps Program Manager for Training Systems (PM TRASYS), US Army Simulation & Training Technology Center (STTC), US Army Futures Command Synthetic Training Environment Cross-Functional Team (STE CFT), Defense Health Agency (DHA), U.S. Space Force Space Training and Readiness Command (STARCOM), Strategic Environmental Research and Development (SERDP), Army Modeling Simulation Office (AMSO), and the Office of Naval Research through the NavalX Central Florida Tech Bridge.  



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