Wise County Campus C.O.R.E. 2025

  • June 24 - July 15, 2025
  • Weatherford College - Wise County

    5180 US-380
    Bridgeport, Texas 76426
Ticket Price $11.63 Register Now

PLEASE NOTE: This event is on the Wise County campus, located in Bridgeport, Texas.  

Attend ONLY if you are one of the following:

  • first time attending college
  • dual credit student graduating in May 2025
  • you have not attended college in 5+ years

**transfer students not required to attend

A required FULL DAY orientation and registration experience that prepares you to be a Coyote.  Please register if you are a first-time college student, haven't attended college in the past five years, or are a dual credit senior graduating in May 2025.  This experience is for YOU! 


  1.  You must use student name as well as the student WC email and ID number to register for student ticket.  
  2. Student registration fee covers lunch and a t-shirt.  
  3. Parents/Guests DO NOT register as a student, use the Parent/Guest ticket option. Once those are gone, there will not be additional parent spots opened, select another date.  
  4. Parents, do not use your name on the Student Registration, we must have STUDENT name for student registration.


  1. Parent/Guest please purchase PARENT/GUEST ticket and provide the name of each parent/guest name on the registration. (limit 2 per student).  
  2. You will need to put the name of the student you will be attending with when prompted to do so.
  3. Parent/Guest tickets are limited, if there are not any parent tickets left to purchase, you will need to attend another event.  

Weatherford College wants you to be successful, we are a partner in your education and we look forward to having you.


The registration fee is non-refundable, non-transferable to another person/date. 
If you need financial assistance with the student registration fee, please contact core@wc.edu and provide your full name and student ID number.

Date & Time

Jun 24 - Jul 15, 2025

Venue Details

Weatherford College - Wise County

5180 US-380
Bridgeport, Texas 76426 Weatherford College - Wise County
Weatherford College
Weatherford College is a non-profit, public institution.

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