Square gift cards

More flexibility, more confidence Benefit

Refund your way

Issue refunds via credit card, Square gift card, or by changing tickets to a different day or time—or let your attendees choose.

Merch and concessions

Attendees can use their Square gift cards to purchase merch, concessions, tickets, or anything else in your Square inventory.

Bulk changes

If you have to cancel your event, SimpleTix lets you issue a bulk refund by credit card or Square gift card with just a few clicks.

Keep revenue

We know how hard it is to operate a venue, attraction, or event. SimpleTix pays out instantly and offers several features to help hold onto your cash.

A true Square partnership

Square is one of the most widely used payment processing solutions on the market. As one of the few ticketing platforms with an official Square partnership, SimpleTix works with your Square system to help you increase sales, work more efficiently, and create memorable experiences.

From instant payout to bundled ticket and merch sales, see how Square and SimpleTix can take your event or attraction to the next level.

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The art of the upsell

Offering upsells at certain points in the purchase process can significantly increase your revenue—by 10%-30% on average. With SimpleTix and Square, you can offer discounts for frequent customers, prompt them to purchase a t-shirt, sticker, or other merchandise, or upgrade to a season pass.

Upselling is a great way to offer your customers more value and boost your bottom line. See how easy upselling can be.

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Sell More Tickets—More Easily

Attractions, seasonal events, performing arts centers and festivals love SimpleTix because it makes selling tickets… Simple!