5 Ways an Eventbrite Alternative Achieves Australia’s Phase 5 Covid Checklist Compliance
Organizing an event is already a huge task, but organizing around Covid-19 presents extra considerations to work with.
While it may seem daunting to sell tickets for a large event and maintain public safety, ticketing software can help you achieve compliance with any state or local mandates. An Eventbrite alternative not only helps you sell tickets, it helps you create the best possible experience for patrons — one that will keep them coming back time after time.
As the Covid-19 pandemic continues around the globe, governments have adopted new restrictions to host large events in their cities, states, and countries safely.
In Australia, capacity limits, physical distancing, and mask mandates vary from state to state. Brisbane’s home state of Queensland, for example, now allows 100% capacity for seated and ticketed events, while New South Wales, home to Sydney, has been in a near-total lockdown since June 2021.
Somewhere in-between total freedom and lockdown, Western Australia now allows for public and private events with up to 2500 attendees, but organizers must adhere to the government’s phase 5 Covid checklist.
The checklist lists eight rules to follow during organization and execution of the event. It must be submitted with any additional application documents in order to receive approval to host the event.
The checklist is as follows:
- Manage shared space to ensure physical distancing.
- Provide trained COVID Safety Marshals.
- Ensure staff are trained in Covid safety measures.
- Maintain cleaning and hygiene standards.
- Maintain mandatory contact registers.
- Request that unwell people not attend.
- Provide adequate hand sanitizer and soap.
- Register event with the Department of Health at health.wa.gov.au/eventsregistration.
Ticketing software can help your event staff meet these goals for the health and safety of your attendees. Eventbrite is often the first thought when considering ticketing software, but other options are cheaper and more helpful than Eventbrite for handling government-mandated safety requirements during the global pandemic.
Below, we list five ways ticketing software can help with Australia’s Phase 5 Covid checklist.
Table of Contents:
1. Social Distancing Ticketing
2. Timed Entry Ticketing
3. Contactless Check-ins
4. Contact Tracing
5. Event Changes
Social Distancing Ticketing

Creating a safe environment is the Covid checklist’s number-one priority.
The first item on the checklist requires adequate social distancing within your event space. You can achieve this before the event by ensuring your seating chart allows for physical distance between guests.
With social distancing ticketing, you can customize a ticketing page to the layout of your venue and its capacity to properly space attendees while optimizing every inch of your venue’s available seating space for maximum revenue
Ticketing software that is cheaper than Eventbrite can help you create these seating charts and work with your attendee limits effectively.
Timed Entry Ticketing
Ticketing software that allows for timed entry will assist in creating a Covid safe environment for your guests.
When applicable, you can create different time slots for your guests to choose from. Offering multiple time slots disperses your guests’ attendance over several hours. This minimizes crowds while allowing for maximum attendance.
With cheaper than Eventbrite ticketing software, you can set capacity limits for each time slot and assign tickets accordingly. Selling tickets ahead of time will let you know if you will be able to maintain limits and not have too large of a crowd.
Timed entry will also be conducive to social distancing and create a healthier and safer environment.
Contactless Check-In

Employing contactless check-in at your event will create a more hygienic atmosphere than one that requires hand to hand contact.
When attendees purchase tickets online before the event, they should receive a QR code that they can use from their smartphone.
When your guests enter the event, they simply present the QR code as their ticket to event staff. Then, your staff can scan tickets with their own devices – no contact necessary. The code can be scanned through plexiglass shields for extra protection if you wish.
This is not only the safest way to do check-in, but also compliant with the Covid checklist as it helps with precautionary safety measures.
Not everyone will purchase their ticket ahead of time, so your event will most likely offer on-site ticket sales. Ticketing software with a Square partnership helps maintain a hygienic, in-person sales experience.
With Square, event staff can sell tickets with their smartphones and without cash, minimizing hand contact between customers and your staff. SimpleTix is the only ticketing platform that is both cheaper than Eventbrite and has a Square partnership.
Using the SimpleTix event organizer app also creates a contactless environment. The app offers ticket sales, scanning, and event monitoring all from your personal device. No shared screens between staff minimizes the spread of germs.
Contact Tracing
In the unfortunate instance that a sick person does attend your event, you will need to maintain good records for contact tracing purposes.
Ticketing software should provide you with a log of your attendees’ contact information and time of check-in. (if you implemented timed entry ticketing).
This will be your mandatory contact register – number 5 on the list. With cheaper than Eventbrite ticketing software, you will receive the contact information of your guests.
You will also be able to email ticket buyers before the event, should anything change or if any additional information needs to be communicated with them. You can also remind patrons not to attend the event if they feel ill.
Event Changes

Since the pandemic is a fluid situation with constantly changing regulations, you may have to cancel your event due to a surge in infections.
For example, as of September 3, 2021 Victoria has entered a new lockdown after months of slow return to activity. Many events had to be postponed or cancelled.
In case you must cancel your event, you will want to issue refunds to your guests as quickly as possible. Ticketing software that is cheaper than Eventbrite offers instant payouts, which allows for speedy and simple refunds.
Eventbrite does not offer instant payout, which will create frustration and tension as you try to issue refunds to your guests. With SimpleTix, you can offer refunds in the form of a Square gift card, which allows venues and organizers to keep ticket revenue and maintain loyalty among ticketholders.
Your event may work well as a virtual event and, if that is the case, you should use ticketing software with Zoom integration to easily transition from in-person to virtual.
Since the Covid-19 pandemic is a fluid situation, remaining flexible and up-to-date on the latest regulations will create a safe environment for your event. Check your local government’s websites, as they will have the most up-to-date and accurate information and use ticketing software that makes your event easy to organize.
SimpleTix has offered an affordable, premium event ticketing platform that outperforms Eventbrite and similar apps for over 12 years. Compared to the competition, SimpleTix offers better options at a better price point. To learn more, call us at +1 (855) 550-3670 or email us here.
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